Over 21 days ago, I started a Daniel Fast. It was my first 21 Daniel Fast done in this unique.
I made a public commitment when I started documenting on my blog and YouTube channel.
In that blog, I shared specific areas I was working on as measurements to stay transparent and accountable.
Check out that video by clicking here.
I made tremendous progress in every Area I was focusing on in this 21-day Daniel Fast
Progress Report: 21 Days after I started the Fast
Here is an overview of what I did in the 21 Days
*1 hour prayer and fitness walk for 1 hour
*1-year reading and studying plan chronological Bible plan from youversion app in the mornings
21-Day Daniel Fast Devotion: Lunchtime
*Proverbs and Psalms 31 reading plan from the youvervion app
* Represent my daily lifestyle activities
I ate no food between sun up and sundown, which was 4.00 am to 4.00 pm for me.
Only water and hot black tea (no sugar)
After 4 p.m. I ate only fruits and Vegetables
3 servings: At 4 pm, 6 pm and 8 pm
Physically -Fitness
1 hour cardio – prayer walk at 6 am
Strength training
For every major muscle group, a compound set of dumbbells & bodyweight exercises plus the core area.
At the beginning, I did a fitness test to see how many reps of the exercises I could do in 1 minute, and then I added the number of repetitions according to the day of the fast.
At the end of the fast, I did 21 more repetitions in every exercise from the number I started with.
Check out the video for a basic fitness routine here.
It was my first attempt at doing Daniel Fast like this.
I saw & experienced tremendous progress in every area—spiritually, nutritionally, and in cardio and strength training.
It was extremely challenging; some days I felt like I was having a high body temperature; I felt weak, dizzy, and exhausted with headaches. I would drink water, rest for a bit, then listen to worship music, read the word from the Bible, or listen to sermons on YouTube.
Moment by moment, day by day, and week by week, I discovered new strength and courage to make it to day 21.
I give God all the praises.
My most outward improvement I’d notice my skin on my face has improved.
It was more radiant and smoother.
I learned the power of sacrifice and how to be resilient amid adversaries.
There were days I ran out of fruits and vegetables, and suddenly an acquaintance presented me with a few serving sizes..
One of the goals for 2024 is to do 4 Daniel Fast.
I look forward to sharing my experience with you and encouraging you to practice fasting as a lifestyle habit.