One of the big goals in life was to practice the discipline of fasting. I have had many good & not so good reasons why I have not done this one before.
Embarking on this new experiment and experience was a profound moment in my life. I had never given all foods during the day and limited my diet to only fruits and vegetables. This was a big deal, yet I embraced it.
I decided I needed to strengthen my spiritual growth with God and practice detoxification of my body nutritionally while maintaining a progressive strength training program.
I took obedient action and decided to challenge myself with my first complete 21-day Daniel Fast.
I thought to hold myself publicly accountable, I would do something different. I made a video on 1st Day of the fast to share it with you.
Check it out!!
I pray that I will remain disciplined and focus to reach the goal of 21- days. I will use one of my personal words of encouragement along with other methods of courage to propel me in my challenging moments.
” Successful people Persevere while others Quit’
Keep reading for an update of my experience in an upcoming blog post.
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